#45 Using Your Weight to Lighten Your Soul

#45 Using Your Weight to Lighten Your Soul


Learn how to awaken your bones, your body and soul through the simple act… 

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#45 Using Your Weight to Lighten Your Soul

Learn how to awaken your bones, your body and soul through the simple act of sitting with yourself. Grounding deeply to the earth and divine energy enables you to feel the true weight of yourself and the weight that you carry for others. This awareness allows you to breathe positivity to deep within your bones, allowing a fluidity of new thoughts to displace the old and stagnant. With each breath, feel your physical body get heavier and heavier as you feel your soul get lighter and lighter.

Track 1 – Introduction (4:36)
Track 2 – Learning to Sit With Your Weight (27:47)
Track 3 – Sending Positive Currents Through Your Circuitry (23:01)
Track 4 – Letting Go of Perfect and Experiencing the Peace (5:39)

Recorded live August 28, 2012 in Charlotte, NC
Features: The Celt

 Please listen to the introduction or read the transcript of it included in audio folder for important information. Thank you.